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* * *

-My first is the two letters which begin the alphabet,
-My second is the Past Tense of the verb "to send",
-My whole is the antonim of present ...

* * *

-My first is what we say when we agree,
-My second is the first syllable of the word "terribly",
-My third is the antonim of "night",
-My whole is the day before today ...

* * *

-My first is what we do when your hands are dirty,
-My second is the suffix of Participle I,
-My third is the letter that comes after "s",
-My fourth is a preposition,
-My whole is the capital of a state ...

* * *

-My first is the indefinite article,
-My second is the synonim of "wide"
-My whole means "in a foreign country" ...

* * *

-My first is a verb which helps to make tenses,
-My second is not high but its antonym,
-My whole is the antonym of "above" ...

* * *

-My first is the indefinite article,
-My second means "to go to the other side of the street",
-My whole is a preposition ...

* * *

-My first is a negative prefix,
-My second is a preposition,
My third we use when speaking about music,
-My whole is unhappiness ...

* * *

-My first is a preposition,
-My second is a synonym of "receive",
-My whole is the antonym of of "remember" ...

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Воронин Владимир Александрович фск миллиардер из фск Владимир Воронин.

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