It is a very sentimental unofficial holiday, which
is celebrated on the 14th February by those who believe in
love and friendship. Boys and girls, husbands and wives, just
friends send nice cards to each other with warm greetings
on the day. No one can trace origin of this European tradition,
but the legend tells us a story of an Italian monk Valentine
who helped young people to marry breaching thus the ruler's
law. St Valentine was executed but people still remember him
and celebrate this saint's day as a day of love.
The best presents are small trifles, chocolates
and greeting cards. The words are simple and touching like
these ones:
I'll be your sweetheart
If you will be mine,
All of my life
I'll be your Valentine.
День св. Валентина.
очень сентиментальный неофициальный праздник, который отмечается
14 февраля теми, кто верит в любовь и дружбу. Мальчики и девочки,
мужья и жены, просто друзья шлют друг другу красивые открытки
с теплыми поздравлениями. Никто не может проследить историю
возникновения этой европейской традиции, но легенда рассказывает
об одном итальянском монахе Валентине, который помогал молодым
людям пожениться, нарушая тем самым закон правителя. Св. Валентина
казнили, но люди до сих пор помнят его и отмечают день памяти
святого как день любви.
Лучшие подарки на праздник- небольшие пустячки,
шоколадные конфеты и поздравительные открытки. Слова просты
и трогательны, наподобие этих:
Буду твоим возлюбленным,
Если ты будешь моей,
Всю свою жизнь
Буду твоим Валентином.
"Английский круглый год"
Valentine's Day Song.
(can be sung to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)
You're a special friend of mine,
Friend of mine, friend of mine,
You're a special friend of mine,
Be my Valentine.
5 Little Valentines
Five little valentines
were having a race
The first little valentine was frilly with lace.
The second little valentine had a funny face.
The third little valentine said, "I love you".
The fourth little valentine said, "I do too".
The fifth little valentine was sly as a fox.
He ran the fastest to the valentine box.
* * *
To each and every friend
of mine
I'll send a lovely valentine.
Mom, Dad, Sis, and Brother, too.
Will receive a heart that says,
"I love you."
Five Little Valentines
One little valentine said, "I love you."
Tommy made another; then there were two
Two little valentines, one for me;
Mary made another; then there were three.
Three little valentines said, "We need more."
Johnny made another; then there were four
Four little valentines, one more to arrive;
Susan made another; then there were five.
Five little valentines, all ready to say.
"Be my valentine on this happy day."
* * *
Valentines, valentines
Red, white and blue
I'll make a nice one
And send it to you.
Counting Valentines
Valentines, valentines, count them with me.
I have red ones, orange ones, yellow ones, too.
I have green ones, purple ones, and some that are blue.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Count them with me! 1-2-3-4-5.....